Medical practice is a wonderful vocation as it provides lot of professional satisfaction. It is special also because it deals with human life. In the competitive & materialistic world today, however, the doctor - patient relationship has transformed from 'trust based relationship' to 'contract based relationship' and both parties sometimes, even tend to exploit the situation at the expense of the other. Therefore, medical litigation and hospital violence has increased substantially.

Here are some tips which help you to 'prevent' such problem :

Resort to ethical medical practice, as much as possible

Always take 'professional' decisions rather than 'commercial decisions in your clinical practice

Never ignore a patient's complaint, even if it is repetitive or appears to be trivial

Observe sensitive & flexible approach towards patients' problem / requests / requirements

Ensure unity and brotherhood within the medical fraternity

Periodically do something to improve the social image of the profession, individually and collectively

Keep professionally updated

Be very selective in taking up a patient, considering your qualifications, experience, facilities and competence. Use tactful communication skills in tackling sensitive situations.

Have a good professional indemnity policy to ensure comfort level on this front

Keep your eyes & ears open
When a litigation actually is on hand, here are some tips to 'manage 'it well :

Do not panic

Retrieve & secure medical records of the case

Intimate (in writing) the insurance company which has indemnified you.

Study the contents of the complaint repeatedly and jot down the allegations or issue raised by the complainant

Discuss the case with your trusted friends/ teacher / experts

Collect the medical literature on the issues of concern

Discuss the case the case with a good lawyer, preferably the one with a medical background

Do not buckle under pressure or succumb to blackmail / extortion by the complainant

Defend the case prudently taking continued & keen interest throughout the proceedings and hope for the best




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